Hump Day Hunks -- Weston Boucher
August 27, 2014 05:19 PM Posted by juliannadouglas
I had the privilege of meeting today's Hump Day Hunk at the Romance Novel Convention in July, where he was crowned Mr. Casanova 2014. Being a shy introvert, I tend to be a bit awkward and tongue-tied around incredibly attractive men and usually get overlooked by them in return, so one of my favorite memories of this year's RNCon was this guy taking the time to chat with me at the Book Fair. With it being my first author signing, I was a little nervous, so I was surprised to feel completely at ease talking with him. He struck me as a kind, generous, warm-hearted, and truly genuine person. He was a really great sport and totally into his role as an RNCasanova, providing some blush-worthy answers to the naughty questions being asked during the Dating Game portion of the Mr. Casanova Contest.;-) He has multiple creative talents outside of modeling too. He's equally at home behind the camera as in front of it, and is co-owner of a successful photography business with his wife. In addition to that, he's a gifted singer and songwriter, primarily producing original music for use in television, movies, video games, and commercials. Throughout my interactions with him, I've been thoroughly impressed with his creativity, candidness, and sincerity and hope my readers will feel the same, so without further ado, let me introduce this week's Hump Day Hunk, Weston Bouchér. Weston generously agreed to an interview with me, so I hope you enjoy!
Categories: Hump Day Hunks, Interviews
Hump Day Hunks -- Kaden James
July 30, 2014 05:18 PM Posted by juliannadouglas
I had the privilege of meeting today's Hump Day Hunk at the Romance Novel Convention a couple of weeks ago, where he was one of the RNCasanovas. I only had the opportunity to talk with him for a few minutes, but in that brief amount of time, he struck me a sweet, kind, generous and truly gentle soul who is very genuine and humble about his good looks and amazing talents. He's done quite a bit of modeling, including being on the covers of two books already, with hopefully many more to come, but his true passion is music. He's a gifted singer and songwriter who has been writing and performing his own music since he was only twelve. He's been an MTV featured artist, his song “A Boy Like Me” is the theme song for the TV show, “The A-List: New York,” and his music has been heard on several other TV shows too. He's currently an indie music artist who is seeking a record label to represent him so that he can realize his dream of going on tour. When he isn't busy modeling and playing music, he's also writing a book series. This guy is truly multi-talented, full of ideas, and seems to have the positive attitude and drive to make things happen. So, without further ado, here's today's Hump Day Hunk, Kaden James, known to his music fans as merely KADEN. Kaden generously agreed to an interview with me, so enjoy!
Categories: Hump Day Hunks, Interviews
Romance Novel Convention -- Day 5
July 21, 2014 08:48 PM Posted by juliannadouglas
The fifth and final day of the Romance Novel Convention was a lazy day for me. The only event that day was the live photo shoot featuring our wonderful RNCasanovas. I was too worn out to put in much effort to get there early, so I didn't end up moseying in until around 1:30 in the afternoon. Needless to say, by that time, two of the Casanovas were already done with their part of the shoot, but I enjoyed observing the remainder of it. I got a little taste of what goes into making all those great photos we see on book covers.
I also got to witness a little bit of fun on set as photographer Bruce Heinsius got in front of the camera to perform his signature flying kick with RNCasanova Weston. To accomplish this he, of course, had to turn the camera over to someone else. At first, that person was my hubs, whose immediate reaction was, “What? Me?” as he found a heavy and no doubt very expensive piece of equipment being placed in his hands. Hubs gave it his best shot, but alas, his finger was not fast enough on the trigger. He decided someone else with more experience should take the reins and handed the camera off to David Nicholl, who after a few tries of his own, finally captured the perfect shot.
Categories: Events
Tags: Bruce Heinsius, David Nicholl, Jimmy Thomas, Kaden James, Kathryn Loch, RNCasanovas, Romance Novel Convention, Weston Boucher
Romance Novel Convention -- Day 4
July 19, 2014 07:48 PM Posted by juliannadouglas
Day 4 of the Romance Novel Convention mainly consisted of only two big events. From 10 AM to 2 PM was the Book Fair/Author Signing in which I participated. It was my very first in-person appearance as a published author, so of course, I woke up early with nervous anticipation. I finally went down around 9:30 to set up my table, which didn't take long, since I only have one book. Strangely enough, once I finished that task and sat down, I felt cool as cucumber and had no trouble conversing with the attendees who stopped by my booth. In fact, the first person I got the opportunity to chat with was RNCasanova Weston Bouchér. I thought it was very sweet of him to take the time to do that, because he certainly didn't have to. Even though I know he probably chatted with dozens of other ladies that day and throughout the week, it made me feel special. After my hubby had his breakfast, I sent him on a mission to get as many author autographs as possible on my swag bag. About an hour later, his poor introverted self came dragging into my booth exhausted from talking to so many people. I took pity on him and let him man my booth while I went in search of more signatures, which pretty much took up the remainder of my time there. I may not have sold much, but it was a good first experience for me.
Categories: Events
Tags: D. T. Dyllin, David Nicholl, Julian Mora, RNCasanovas, Romance Novel Convention, Weston Boucher
Romance Novel Convention -- Day 3
July 18, 2014 11:52 AM Posted by juliannadouglas
Day 3 of the Romance Novel Convention was probably the busiest and the longest for me. Since my first class of the day wasn't scheduled to start until past noon, this was supposed to be my sleep-in day, but the sounds of screaming children running down the halls, carpets being shampooed outside our hotel room door, and a repairman (presumably) pounding repeatedly in the room next-door made that all but impossible. With that being the case, I ended up dragging myself to Victoria Zackheim's class titled What Is the Arc, and Why Is It Important?, but it was so totally worth it. This was essentially a continuation of her class on character development from the previous day, and it was extremely helpful in understanding how to build characters who will engage readers. While I was in this class, my hubs was teaching his second class on Virus Protection, Back-Ups, Image File Types & Sizes, and Free Software for Writers. Yeah, I know that a mouthful.;-) I have to admit it's kind of nice having a tech guru in the house, so I don't have to worry about all that stuff. I also got the added perk of seeing some of the software in action while he was creating his presentation, and I'm intrigued. I may be using Mind Mapping or oStorybook to outline my next book.
Categories: Events
Tags: Anne Perry, Bruce Heinsius, D. T. Dyllin, David Nicholl, InD'Tale Magazine, KriStef Brothers, Romance Novel Convention, RONE Awards, Victoria Zackheim
Romance Novel Convention -- Day 2
July 17, 2014 12:42 PM Posted by juliannadouglas
Day 2 of the Romance Novel Convention was a bit busier for me. Hubs went down early to get the schedule to find out when he was teaching his classes. He ended up teaching his class What You Need to Know to Talk to a Web Designer that morning. It was small, but he really enjoyed teaching it and felt like those attending got a lot out of it. While he was busy with that, I attended Victoria Danann's class on Indie Writing As a Business. Much like with Angela Knight's class the day before, Victoria said this was a 20-30 hour course that she'd pared down to only one hour, but it was an hour jam-packed with great information on marketing and promoting books.
Categories: Events
Tags: Angela Knight, Anne Perry, D. T. Dyllin, Firefly, Kaylee Frye, LaVerne Thompson, Malcolm Reynolds, Mary Moriarty, Romance Novel Convention, Sharon Hamilton, Shea MacLeod, V. S. Nelson, Victoria Danann, Victoria Zackheim
Romance Novel Convention -- Day 1
July 16, 2014 12:03 PM Posted by juliannadouglas
Well, I'm finally home from a whirlwind seven day trip to Las Vegas to attend the Romance Novel Convention. I know I had said I'd try to post while I was there, but unfortunately, I didn't have much free time and when I did, my introverted self just needed to chill. So, now that I'm back I'm going to write a series of posts about my adventures there.:-)
Hubs and I arrived in Vegas one day early on Tuesday, July 8. I spent most of that evening in nervous anticipation of the event to come and didn't sleep well that night. Yeah, I know, I'm weird, but there you go.;-)
Categories: Events
Tags: Angela Knight, D. T. Dyllin, InD'Tale Magazine, Romance Novel Convention
Romance Novel Convention Preview
July 7, 2014 03:10 PM Posted by juliannadouglas
I'm insanely busy right now doing last minute packing and making other preparations for my trip. Hubs and I leave tomorrow morning to drive to Las Vegas where we'll be attending Jimmy Thomas's Romance Novel Convention. I attended the inaugural RNCon last year and had a really good time, so I immediately made it a goal to return this year. It already looks like it's shaping up to be a lot of fun.
Categories: Events