Romance Author Giveaway

June 29, 2016 02:42 PM Posted by juliannadouglas

I’m one of the authors participating in the huge Romance Author Giveaway being run right now by Love Books, Love Authors. From now through July 5th, you can enter to win a $500 Amazon gift card. Yes, you read that right. One lucky winner will receive that awesome prize, but over fifty more winners will receive a free e-book (or in one case, an audio book) from one of our participating authors. Just click on the graphic below, and you’ll be taken to the Rafflecopter giveaway. To enter, all you need to do is add your email to sign up for all the participating authors’ newsletters. You can unsubscribe at any time, but with these amazing authors, why would you want to? Good luck!


Categories: Giveaways, News

Tags: Free eBooks

Romance Novel Convention 2016

June 10, 2016 08:11 PM Posted by juliannadouglas

I returned home from Las Vegas a few days ago, my head full of new information, my heart full of love for friends that have become like family, and my mind full of exciting new memories. As with the past three years, the Romance Novel Convention transported me to a fun and magical place that almost has a dreamy quality to it. I can’t quite explain it to anyone who hasn’t attended and experienced it for themselves, but it’s a place that comes alive with it’s own special heart, soul, and energy, so much so that each time, I’ve hated to leave it behind.

This year’s RNC had an intimate quality to it as well. It always has, but this year even more so. I felt like I got a chance to interact with more people and on a little more personal level. Each of the past couple of years at RNC, I was blessed to find a new friend, but this year, it was more about deepening relationships with people I’d previously met and then gotten to know over social media. I also met new people who I hope to get to know better. Each year at RNC, I’ve stepped just a little further outside my deeply introverted comfort zone, and I’ve never been disappointed with where that’s taken me. For anyone who knows me well, that’s a huge deal.


Categories: Events

Tags: Anya Kelleye, Captain America, David Nicholl, Jami Brumfield, Jimmy Thomas, Julian Mora, Kelleye Richards, LaVerne Thompson, Linda Rae Sande, Love Between the Covers, Marvel's Agent Carter, Melissa Stevens, Michael Hendrickson, Renee Waring, Romance Novel Convention, Susan Newman, Taabia Dupree, Tara Rose, Victoria Alexander